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Aqua Planteria

Littorella uniflora

Littorella uniflora

Regular price $6.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $6.99 USD
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Litorella uniflora, also known as Shoreweed, is a unique, grass-like aquatic plant that adds a natural and wild appearance to freshwater aquariums. This low-growing rosette plant is native to Europe and thrives in both submerged and emersed conditions. Its bright green, rigid leaves resemble blades of grass, making it an excellent choice for foreground and carpeting layouts in aquascaping. Unlike traditional carpeting plants, it grows in small clusters rather than forming a dense mat, giving a more naturalistic aesthetic.


Key Features:

Growth Form: Short, grass-like rosettes with upright leaves

Size: Typically grows 2-4 inches tall

Placement: Foreground to midground; suitable for natural-style aquascapes

Care Level: Moderate

Light Requirement: Medium to high

CO₂ Requirement: Beneficial but not required

Propagation: Produces runners that spread over time

Ideal for: Nature-style aquariums, biotope tanks, and paludariums


Care Tips:

Plant in nutrient-rich substrate for best growth.

Provide moderate to high lighting to encourage compact growth.

Trim occasionally to maintain a neat appearance.

Can be used in emersed setups for a unique shoreline effect.



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