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Aqua Planteria

Anubias congensis

Anubias congensis

Regular price $9.49 USD
Regular price $10.99 USD Sale price $9.49 USD
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The Anubias congensis is an ideal plant for almost any planted aquarium. Unlike other anubias types (nana, barteri) it does not have rounded leaves, instead it grows long, slender and pointy. leaves

 Anubias species are tolerant of a wide variety of water conditions and do not require high lighting. The slow growing Anubias plants make a great mid-ground focal point. The rhizome “root” will spread over time leading to more leaves. Anubias plants should have their rhizomes tied down to a rock or piece of driftwood. Very easy Begginner plant that prefers a more shaded area in your aquarium. It does not require co2 but does like some water fertilization. 


  • Care:Easy
  • Propagation: Splitting rhizome
  • Height: up to 8”
  • Co2: Not required
  • Growth:Slow
  • Lighting:Low- Medium
  • Placement: Mid-ground
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